SLINTEC Start-Up Engine

SLINTEC Startup Engine (SSE) is Sri Lanka’s only platform for scientific innovation-based startups. SLINTEC hopes to give entrepreneurs the facilities and expertise to help bring their ideas to life. An entrepreneur would need a large investment to start a project or business in material engineering or material science. We hope to take away some of the hassles by providing such teams with cutting edge lab facilities, the latest analytical instruments, top scientific personal and a science park with all the necessary facilities.

We provide startups and entrepreneurs with free incubation space, free use of analytical equipment, mentoring services, assistance in developing a business proposal, and guidance for technology valuation and IP management. We hope to become the number one choice in Sri Lanka for technology startups looking to merge a brilliant idea with world-class technology.

SLINTEC launched its Startup programme to help entrepreneurs start and boost their business and we are proud to introduce the 2nd version of the program SSEv2.0. We provide individuals, teams and companies with a range of valuable incentives.

SLINTEC provides two schemes for entrepreneurs.

SLINTEC Accelerator

We encourage people to come up with their own inventions or to discover something of value to society, the economy and the environment. SLINTEC along with StartupX Foundry will provide facilities, advice and incentives to build up businesses and give them the platform to expand.


There will be two startup programs, namely ‘SLINTEC-Accelerator (SA)’ and ‘SLINTEC-Incubator (SI)’. SA will be focused on allocating selected completed SLINTEC projects (TRL>3) to entrepreneurs, while SI program will be focused on incubating ideas coming from entrepreneurs. Maximum of 5 and 3 projects will be accommodated under the SA and SI programs, respectively.

The following incentives will be given to the interested entrepreneurs;

SLINTEC Incubator

SLINTEC offers energetic entrepreneurs to choose a project from the SLINTEC project portfolio. SLINTEC project portfolio consists of projects that have a high potential to benefit and improve various industries. SLINTEC along with the StartupX Foundry will provide facilities, advices and incentives to build up the business.



Science &

Mentoring Services

Startup Engine Partners

Seed Funding Partner


Business partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Media Partner


Design partner
