SLINTEC partners with MagGenome Technologies

SLINTEC partners with MagGenome Technologies

Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MagGenome Technologies Ltd., India on 8 March to conduct co-development on nanoparticles-based techniques in DNA extraction.

MagGenome Technologies Ltd. is primarily focused on the development of magnetic nanoparticles based products. The company has developed and patented several technologies like DNA extraction under the brand name ‘XpressDNA’ and affinity resins under the brand name ‘XpressAffinity’. MagGenome will also focus on other applications of magnetic nanoparticles in near future for providing solutions in the areas of diagnostics, therapeutics, engineering and environmental remediation.

Through this partnership with SLINTEC, MagGenome Technologies plans to enter into the Sri Lankan market with DNA extraction kits which are integrated with nanotechnology-based components developed at SLINTEC. According to the MoU, SLINTEC will further engage in research and co-development activities related to genomics and therapeutics with MagGenome Technologies.