Functional Coatings and Paints
- Corrosion Protection
- Anti-microbial
- UV and IR Protection
- Mechanical Resistance - Scratch and Wear
- Barrier Resistance

- Light-weight/High strength composites
- Electrical conductive composites
- Thermally conductive composites
- Fire resistant composites

Construction Materials
- High strength / high performance concreteFlow Battery
- Additives for cement based 3D Printing

Battery materials
- Electrodes materials for Li ion, Pb acid Na ion and flow batteries

Rubber, plastics and Polymers (Electrostaic latex films)
- Rubber strain sensors
- RGO and GO incorporated rubber
- Biodegradable and compostable plastics
- Sustainable packaging
- Smart packaging

Water and Air and purification
- Photocatalysis based water and air purification
- Membrane technologies for water and air filters
- Water Desalination

Value additon to Sri Lankan Minerals
- Silica sands
- Graphite
- Ilmanite
- Graphene Nano Platelets