Awards & Achievements

The world’s first sustainably designed face mask, Featured In World Economic Forum and IFF Design Awards

Independently validated by Medical Research Institute (MRI), National Institute of Infectious Diseases (IDH) and Karapitiya Hospital laboratories.

NMRA Registered product and produced in a NMRA GMP certified facility at SLINTEC.

SLINTEC’s joint venture Ceylon Nano Diagnostics Pvt. Ltd. (CNDL) to commercialize RT-LAMP rapid test Kit for COVID-19 detection for the first time in Sri Lanka.

Supplied more than 300,000 swabs, saving at least LKR 150 Mn for the govenment of Sri Lanka

Anti-bacterial Stationery

Multilac-SLINTEC NOVID Antiviral Spray Tested & Validated by UCL- UK, Validated as 99% Anti-viral (Corona Virus).

SLINTEC has filed over 15 patents, both in US and in Sri Lanka.

Published in excess of 100 papers in reputed local and international journals

Generating a royalty revenue stream from successful research project with Textured Jersey (Royalty income generated + Client benefit )

Upcycled Fabric Dye from Waste Tea

1st Joint Venture between SLINTEC and LOLC endorsed by The Graphene Council

World’s 1st Ultra-Super Graphene Battery


Sri Lanka’s only Nanotechnology based skincare range

Seed Pods to accelarate Reforestation

Launch of soil supplement product in association with Thuru brand


Created a endowment fund for the enhancement of science and raised Rs. 53.19 million.

One platinum sponsor (25 million), one Gold Sponsor (15 million) one silver sponsor Rs. 5.0 million and eight contributors to the Brick for Science at Rs. 1.0 million each.

Brain Gain

Attracted over 22 PhD qualified Sri Lankan scientists to relocate.


Provided on the ground training for graduates moving on for higher education. Thus far we have seen more than 30 staff members move on to obtain PhD’s from highly recognized Universities in the West.

SLINTEC has been awarded Platinum Certification under “Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design” (LEED) for New Construction by U.S. Green Building Council on March 2015. LEED Certification identifies Nanotechnology Centre of Excellence as a showcase example of sustainable design.